Ocha naturally contains many nutrients that provide a variety of benefits. These benefits are not the result of a single nutrient, but rather by a synergistic effect that enhances the efficacy of the ocha.


  • Cathechin

  • Caffeine

  • Theanine

  • Vitamin C

Catechins are the leading health ingredient and the primary source of bitterness and astringency in green tea.
Crystals extracted from Acacia catechu, which were used as medicine in ancient times, were named “catechins” in 1832. From 1929 through the early 1930s, Japanese agricultural scientist Michiyo Tsujimura isolated previously unknown catechins and discovered that they are unique to green tea.
Their antioxidant properties are thought to be much greater than vitamins C and E and can prevent diseases and have sterilizing, deodorizing, and detoxifying effects.
Catechins are more abundant in younger shoots and teas such as sencha because their leaves are exposed to light.

Bodhidharma, said to be the founder of Chinese Zen Buddhism, chewed green tea leaves to control his drowsiness while practicing meditation. Tea’s causative agent is caffeine.
Caffeine was discovered in green tea in 1827. It is an essential taste component in green tea, producing a refreshing bitterness, but it also stimulates and excites the central nervous system, acts as a diuretic, aids in the digestion and absorption of food, and promotes the breakdown of body fat.
Caffeine in green tea is absorbed immediately and reaches the highest level in the blood within 30 minutes to one hour. The caffeine in green tea boosts endurance by breaking down fat for energy.

Theanine is an amino acid unique to green tea. More prevalent in young shoots, it synthesizes in the roots of green tea trees and moves to the leaves.
In gyokuro cultivation, leaves are not exposed to sunlight, which suppresses catechins and produces theanine.
The central research institute of ITO EN reports that consuming theanine causes the brain to emit more alpha waves, which increases relaxation and concentration. Experiments show that theanine can protect the brain’s nerve cells and improve circulation.
Since tea has both caffeine (a stimulant) and theanine (a stimulant inhibitor), it is the best drink when you want to relax but maintain a moderate level of alertness.

Vitamin C deficiency impairs collagen fiber formation, weakens blood vessel walls, and causes scurvy. As an antioxidant, it is thought to play an important role in preventing lifestyle-related diseases such as cancer.
Tea is rich in vitamin C; the higher the grade, the more vitamin C it contains. Grown in open air, sencha contains more vitamin C than gyokuro or matcha. Drinking four to five cups of sencha a day can provide 30% to 50% of the recommended intake of vitamin C.
Although vitamin C is easily soluble, because catechins protect it, brewing tea in hot water is an efficient way to get vitamin C.


  • Green tea is rich in an amino acid called theanine, which is the source of its flavor. Studies have shown that theanine soothes nerve cells in the brain, relieves tension, improves concentration, and enhances memory. Theanine can reduce the excitatory effect of caffeine on the central nervous system.

  • The caffeine contained in green tea helps to refresh the brain and clear the mind after a long day of work or study and helps to recover from fatigue. Caffeine can also improve work efficiency, mood swings, and headaches. Theanine increases alpha waves, which the brain produces when it is relaxed.

  • Caffeine boosts energy. The caffeine in green tea is absorbed immediately but is released more slowly than caffeine in coffee, so the effects last much longer.

  • The catechins (tannins) contained in matcha are a type of polyphenol. Of these, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) accounts for half of all catechins. EGCG has high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It may help protect cells from damaging free radicals and prevent conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

  • Catechins have strong antibacterial and antiviral effects that help fight colds and influenza. Viruses have “spikes” that attach to cells in the nose and throat, causing infection. Catechins bind to these spikes, preventing them from attaching. Gargling with green tea is recommended, especially during cold and flu season.

  • Many studies of catechins show that it can efficiently burn body fat and help prevent visceral fat. Catechins can interfere with the breakdown of starch and other carbohydrates into glucose and inhibit their absorption. The result is less sugar stored in the body, which leads to decreased fat.

  • Catechins have a strong bactericidal effect on pathogens such as cholera, various food poisoning bacteria, and E. coli O-157. The catechins in green tea can kill the bad bacteria in human intestines, such as clostridium. Drinking green tea can increase the strength of good bacteria (lactobacillus, bifidobacteria) in the intestines.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.